

ICNB 2016:

ICNB'16 will be held in Prague, Czech Republic on April 1 - 2, 2016 at the Clarion Congress Hotel Prague.

Poster Board Dimensions:

Authors presenting via poster boards are to be informed that poster boards are 110 cm height and 80 cm width.


Best Paper Award:

Two best paper awards will be conferred to author(s) of the papers that receive the highest rank during the peer-review and by the respected session chairs. Please visit Paper Submission for more information.


Propose Exhibits, Workshops & More

ICNB attracts a wide range of researchers in the field of nanobiotechnology. As a prominent company in the field of nanobiotechnology, we would like to offer you an exhibit at ICNB. Please visit Events for more information.

Please make a cheque on International Money Order to International ASET Inc. and mail it to the address below:

International ASET Inc.
Unit No. 417, 1376 Bank St.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1H 7Y3

Upcoming Dates

Feb. 15, 2016
Extended Early Bird Registration Deadline
Feb. 20, 2016
Camera Ready Submission Deadline
Mar. 1, 2016
Extended Regualr Registration Deadline